Group Exhibition: BLAST BEAT, Priestman Gallery, Sunderland, 12.11.21 - 10.12.21.
Solo Exhibition: Space is a Feeling, Ltd Ink Corporation, Edinburgh, 10.07.21 - 18.07.21.
Group Exhibition: Greetings, Mauve, Vienna, 5.11.19 - 31.11.19.

Group Exhibtion: Long Distance Press, IMAGE DRUM, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 27.03.19 - 10.05.19

Solo Exhibition: I Against I: Part IIII, Stills Centre for Photography, Edinburgh, 11.05.18 - 1.07.18.

Solo Exhibtion: Drop Shot with Adam Shield, MONOMATIC, Edinburgh, 17.11.17 - 30.11.17

Solo Exhibtion: Still Believing, with Tim Dodds, MONOMATIC, Edinburgh, 20.07.17.
Group Exhibition: TOMTOM, Model, Liverpool, 06.09.14 - 28.09.14. Part of Liverpool Biennial 2014.

Co-curated with Matthew Hearn : RIFF, Blatic Project Space, Newcastle, 12.12.13 - 23.03.14.
RIFF was an exhibition about painting, abstraction, representation and their respective expanded fields.
The exhibition included works by Tom and Simon Bloor, Fiona Curran, Daniel Eatock, Steven Emmanuel, Johannes Evers, Nadine Feinson, Tommy Grace & Kate Owens, Albert Irvin, Islet, Ewan Jones-Morris, Peter Lamb, Andrew Maughan, Paul Merrick, Flore Nove-Josserand, Ciara Phillips, Mike Pratt, Dave Sherry, Adam Shield and Thomas Whittle.